Sunday, April 20, 2008


Picture from flickr user Spike55151 under a creative commons license.

This family needs a vacation, but it ain't in the cards so we did the next best thing and took a road trip up to the Charm City. I have no idea how Baltimore got its nickname, but it is safe to say that we did have a charming time. First stop was brunch at a cool diner. Next up was browsing the many used furniture stores and hipster boutiques of Hampden. The high point for me was visiting Atomic Books, a place I had heard a lot about and which lived up to expectations. On the way out of town we picked up a pie from some kind of punk rock pie shop, which was excellent. All of this was only an hour away!

We forgot the camera, but trust me - Eli was very cute the entire time. So there you go, our first family road trip. Eli turns six months old a week from today, so hopefully I'll get around to taking some more pictures of him soon.

Eli's (almost) 6 Month Well Baby Visit

Eli had his 6 month check up on Friday and things went pretty smoothly. He continues to be the 50th percentile in height, weight and head size. He's now 16 lbs 11 oz and 25 1/2 inches long. The Doc thinks he'll probably start crawling soon based on how active he was on the table. Eli has now discovered a new favorite thing, the paper that covers the examine table.