Thursday, October 2, 2008


September was a month of transitions for us. I left my job at the YMCA and took a job at the YWCA doing fundraising outreach and event planning. Eli's daycare also moved to a new location which was subpar (to say the least). I won't bore you with the details of why the new site sucked but let's just say it involved screaming babies (not mine) and oreos for snack. Who feeds babies oreos for snack? ugh! All of this prompted a move to an entirely new daycare. On his first day the teachers made a little book out of construction paper with pictures of Eli and all of the things he did that day. When I saw the book my heart just melted.
Childcare in DC is hard to come by. We're #40 on one wait list and #101 on another. That's after they place the siblings of currently enrolled kids. It's also really expensive. We've been lucky up until this point because the Y was very affordable and I got a staff discount. Of course we're now discovering that you get what you pay for. The new daycare has fresh fruit every day, the teachers all have college experience, etc... It's worth the extra cost (no more fancy coffee drinks for mommy and daddy).